Areca Bunch Seperator

Areca Bunch Separator

areca bunch serarator-txt


Product Description

Arecanut Separator helps detach and segregate individual arecanuts from the bunch. Manual process involves thrashing the whole bunch against wooden plank or thrashing using hand held iron rods. Manual process is labor intensive and can cause damages to the arecanut. Our Arecanut Separator renders this whole process automatically without manual intervention and without causing any damages to the nuts.


Areca separation from the bunch gets faster and efficient
No need of manual thrashing
Easy learning curve and no need of prior experience
Machine is powered by 1 HP 1Phase motor
High quality product with excellent after sale support


Arecanut farmers
Contractors of Areca processing


Manufactured using good quality steel
Clean finish and good looking
Easy transport
Efficient energy usage
Less space occupation